Living in the largest Muslim country in the world, right now Ramadan is all around me. The stores are decorated with streamers and lanterns, there is a mad traffic rush as everyone tries to get home before dusk to break their fast, and my neighbours are up until the wee hours of the morning eating with family and friends, sending off firecrackers to celebrate. It has been so interesting to see the similarities and differences between Egypt, Oman and Indonesia. I love taking it all in! At the end of Ramadan is a celebration called Eid al Fitr, or Eid al Fitri as they call it here. For Eid my hubby gets some time off work and we are trying to decide where to go. Should we go to Lombok for a beach, hiking, snorkeling trip or to Sumatra to see the orangutangs? (Like this beautiful fella here) What do you think?


The artwork of my kids were finally completed.(The making photo had been uploaded as TODAY on July 29th) The grandma put their clay works in the kiln and it baked them.

The search for the perfect strawberry lemonade ends here!

I love the wild mushrooms that grow here.


My flip-flops.

2nd grade homework is hard!

My best friends dog - Charlie. How cute is he!??!
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ReplyDeleteI love your friend`s brown dog, Kat! Don`t Sarah and Tezzie have a similar brown dog, too?
ReplyDeleteKatie - Beautiful orangutan! I had chance to cuddle a baby orangutan at the Singapore Zoo years ago... you should have seen the look on my face in the photo that was taken! :)
Great work on the edit, Caroline!
Beckster, are those droplets of water on Kaish`s hair?
Sarah - Homework already? On the first week of school?
Maddy - I heart strawberry lemonade!! I could use one right now. :)
Rikako - Wow, those look like a lot of work went into them. Bet they had fun while making them. :)
Sonya - I love how sharp the mushrooms are in your photo. I love mushrooms, but I guess you have to be careful with wild ones... never knowing if they`re poisonous or not.
Oh no Sarah! Back to school and homework.... what a fun thing that must be for you : ) I can't imagine how happy that makes you at the end of a long day!
ReplyDeleteCaroline, what a great before and after edit. You did a wonderful job!
LOVE your flops Buckaroomama. I am in denial about the summer being over. Complete denial! If you need me, please look for me at the shore with my head buried beneath the sand!
Maddy, I didn't even know we were supposed to be searching for the perfect strawberry lemonade this summer. Do tell where you got it :)
Your dog is beautiful Kat!
The projects your kids did Rikako are so cool. Wow. I bet they loved seeing them come out of the kiln! Isn't kid artwork the best?
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I vote for the island to see the monkeys Kate! Look how cute that fellow is. Adorable : )
Who would ever think that mushrooms could look so beautiful Sonya. Love them!
Happy Wednesday girls!
PS Yes those are water droplets. We went to the coolest park that had a water spraying machine. Doesn't that water look awesome on his hair?
ReplyDeleteKatie my vote is for the Orangutans! they are my favorites : )
ReplyDeleteCaroline thats a wonderful after edit! wow
Rikako..those looks sooo amazing!!!
Maddy I just LOVE strawberry lemonade! they don't sell drinks like that here and if they did they would never come in that size:( I miss home..lol
Becky that is a seriously cool shot! I love how the water almost frosts the top of head : )
Buckeroomama I just love your flip flops!
Sarah..homework is no fun!
Kat, Charlie is adorable!! It's my wish to have one just like him!
Have a wonderful day ladies!!
Katie - my vote is most definitely for the orangutans!!!
ReplyDeleteCaroline - great fix-up! Who is that a picture of?
Rikako - very cool...what a fun thing for your kids to learn :)
Maddy - yummy!! I've never tried a strawberry lemonade...sounds wonderful :D
Sonya - "beauty in the oddest places" is the best :D
Becky - what an awesome shot!
B'mama - such a cool photograph :) is that a black sand beach, or did the sand change colour with editing?
Sarah - geez...no stress, there! ;D
Kat - he's very cute <3 (and yes, B'mama, I've got a dog that looks almost identical...for a moment, I thought a pic of Linus had accidentally been loaded up to today's post!! LOL)
Lol! Yes, the hubby is always on the quest for the perfect lemonade. I don't know why, but it's just his thing. This one was fresh squeezed and from the County Fair. He's still debating between this one being or the TGIF slushy one for the win...decisions, decisions!
ReplyDeleteKatie - Oh!! Both places sound perfect, but I would pick Sumatra! How could you resist some time with the orangutangs!
Caroline - What a wonderful edit!! It's amazing what a little Photoshop *dust* can do! I lovethe picture too!
Rikako - Those are AMAZING!! I can't believe your little ones did them all by themselves!
Sonya - I love mushrooms too! I bet you can get some awesome macro shots of these!
Becky - Look at Kaishon's hair!!! Loves!!!
Buckeroomama - Cool flip flops! The sand looks so inviting right about now :)
Sarah - It gets worse! Wait till the get to long division in the 5th grade...yikes!
Kat - Charlie is adorable! I so want a dog in my life...*sigh*