I am Caroline, but can sometimes be found around the internet as 'Frogmum' for reasons I will explain! I am a SAH ~ home educating Mum to eight beautiful children (2 boys, 3 girls, 3 boys) aged from 18 down to 4 ~ they keep me on my toes! I am wife to Paul ~ my wonderful, long-suffering, gracious, adorable, funny, loving, pastor-husband. I have a deep and personal relationship with Jesus and it is my life-goal to raise my children to enjoy the same. Home educating my children to their fullest potential and with maximum enjoyment (not always achieved) is my passion. One afternoon we decided to adopt the name FROG-Academy for our home-school: the FROG stands for Fully Rely On God, for that is what I do daily, but it also speaks volumes about the nature of children ~ they truly are my little tadpoles & froglets and I am Frogmum!
My other great passion is photography, which I discovered FOR REAL about five years ago (having loved to take pictures all my life, but with little real knowledge of how!) and have since been DEEPLY addicted ~ iheartfaces has a lot to answer for :) !! I shoot with a Nikon D5000 & set myself up in business in the summer of 2012, but folded it when we moved to Liverpool in 2016. Life has been a little crazy since then and photography has taken a bit of a back-seat again, but life has its seasons...
I'm really LOVE being a part of Communal Global and getting to know the world a little better :D
My personal blogs are:
I can also be found here;
and I am frogmum8 on Twitter :D
Archived work;
https://10mfh.blogspot.com/ ~ where I used to post to competitions and memes
www.365inpictures.blogspot.com ~ where I completed my first two years of 365 pictures.
good luck on your business.