Sunday, December 26, 2010

See you in the New Year!

We want to send a sincere thank you out to all of you who have taken this daily journey around the world with us during our first year! What a blessing it has been to get a peek into your individual lives in our Tuesdays around the World posts.

We are going to take a little holiday break and resume posting
Um, sometime very soon! in January!

We hope you will rejoin us then.

But for now, we want to send a HUGE congratulations out to our UK contributor, Caroline.
She welcomed healthy little boy into the world on December 21st.

{Solomon Zephaniah ~ 9lb 8.5oz (4.32kg), Born 21.12.10 @ 04.13 I thought you'd all like to meet him :D}
{Peaceful by name and by nature (so far!) :D}

Congrats Caroline, we are all so happy for you!

Happy Holidays!
{See you on the 3rd.}

The CG girls

Friday, December 24, 2010

12.24.2010 Merry Christmas everyone!

Buckeroomama, Hong Kong
Merry Christmas, everyone! May yours be extra special and filled with love, wonder, and joy.

Caroline, England {UK}

Lola, Utah
Merry Christmas Everyone!

Maddy, New Jersey
Wishing you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Becky, Philadelphia
"Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy."
Psalms 33:3

Rikako, Japan
12.24 TODAY
Merry Christmas Eve!

Wanda, Montreal
Dec 24, 2010
Tonight....we're following the STAR!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

12.23.2010 Today

Buckeroomama, Hong Kong

Lola, Utah

Maddy, New Jersey
Sometimes a girl needs a glass of wine (or two!) to make it through the holidays!

Becky, Philadelphia
When Jesus saw what was happening, he was angry with his disciples. He said to them, "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children.
Mark 10:14

Rikako, Japan
12. 23 TODAY

Wanda, Montreal
Dec 23, 2010
It's a magical season. Do you believe in unicorns?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

12.22.2010 Today

Maddy, New Jersey
Can't wait for the holiday weekend so I can play some board games. I'll finally have enough people to play with!

Becky, Philadelphia
Looking forward to reading lots of good books over Christmas vacation.

Buckeroomama, Hong Kong

Caroline, England (UK)
My little 'narrator' ~ she was nervous, but read very well :D

Rikako, Japan
12.22 TODAY
Nice weather to play at the park.

Lola, Utah

Wanda, Montreal
Dec 22, 2010
A Winter Wonderland!

Monday, December 20, 2010

12.21.2010 Tuesdays Around the World

Time to link up and share your Tuesdays with us! Simply share your own "today" (in a post on your own blog where you mention, and link back to Communal Global) then link up with us (at the bottom of this post) so we can come and visit your blog and see your unique (or wonderfully ordinary) "TODAY." Oh, and while you're at it, feel free to add our button to your site (see the link that says "add us" in our header? Click that!) so more of your friends can share in the sharing! We can't wait to see your "Today."

Buckeroomama, Hong Kong

Caroline, England (UK)
His first time 'on stage' ~ not sure what he was thinking, but he looked so sweet!

Lola, Utah
Having a blast with "home enhanced" Christmas ornaments. I found a tube holding 16 of these babies at the Target dollar spot and have been glittering them up. Woo-hoo! Love me a good deal!

Wanda, Montreal
Dec 21, 2010
My Christmas Village (and btw - Happy Winter!)

Maddy, New Jersey
Today I'm wrapping gifts - my favorite "holiday activity".

Becky, Philadelphia
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28

Rikako, Japan
12.21 TODAY
Kid's and Mother's Christmas Party!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

12.20 2010 Today

Buckeroomama, Hong Kong

Caroline, England (UK)
My big boys were Oliver and Dodger in their scout Christmas presentation ~ "Consider yourself, one of the family...!"

Lola, Utah
On Friday I got to go on a local morning news show and share some Christmas craft ideas.
It was so much fun!
You can go here to see it.

Maddy, New Jersey
One of my favorite ornaments! I bought it at my first Cirque du Soleil show that I attended on a "siblings only" trip to Orlando!

Becky, Philadelphia
"Glory to God in the highest. And on earth peace among men in whom God is well pleased."
Merry Christmas

Rikako, Japan
12.20 TODAY
Hello! 40 yrs old.
Dec 17th was my BD.

Dec 20, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

December 17, 2010

Sarah, Atlanta
Have you had fondue?

Suki, Germany

Wanda, Canada
Dec 15, 2010 Today

Sonya, Netherlands

Lola, Utah

Caroline, England

Rikako, Japan

Becky, Philadelphia

Buckaroomama, Hong Kong

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wanda, Canada
Dec 16, 2010 Today
Lovin' that bokeh.

Becky, Philadelphia, PA
Only a few more days of school until Christmas vacation. The excitement is mounting!

Buckaroomama, Hong Kong
One of my favorite ornaments on our tree.

Caroline, England
Deep, deep frost took a grip. So even when it rained nothing thawed and the streets and roads simply froze with sheet-ice! It's been treacherous!

Maddy, New Jersey/NYC
High School seems like a long time ago, doesn't it?

Suki, Germany
I love getting Christmas cards in the mail.

Sarah, Atlanta, Georgia
Date night. I love my husband.

Lola, Utah
Ahhh ha ha ha ha!