It is not bedtime until he's finished reading.
Sweet dreams my sweet angel...♥
My kids love to have stories read to them at bedtime.
This is where I like to be at bedtime :)
Today my sweet Boy turns 5 years old! This was bedtime 5 years ago... (please excuse the poor photo quality...I had a reeeaally bad point and shoot back then! :D)
Ever since he has started reading on his own, this is how we'd often find him when everything has gone quiet and we're wondering what mischief he's gotten himself into...
NO bedtime for me! I am in charge of the "silent auction" portion of a huge funraising gala tomorrow night and it is 1:00 am, and I am just barely daring to hope that it's time to get in the shower and sooth my aching back! Oi! So, here is my verion of "bedtime routine" tonight! A tired, pregnant belly amongst auction descriptions, and a to do list that is bound to have magically tripled in size by the time I wake up tomorrow! Ha ha! It's a formal dress masquerade ball - so, hopefully tomorrow night will be more fun. (It's bound to be, right?)
My kids would rather use their bedtime blankets to play "Ghost" with than to go to bed with. I can't say that I blame them.
Every night, since Kaish has been a wee baby, I give him a hug at bedtime and whisper in his ear "How come out of all the boys and girls in the whole wide world, Jesus gave me the very best one?" I love him with all my heart and soul. Sweet dreams baby Kaish. Sweet dreams.
Oh Becky! I said something much like that to Kort just before I tucked him in! I was so busy today, and he was such a very good boy and I squeezed him up tight and said "Why out of all the little boys in the world am I lucky enough to get the very best one?"
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks the sun rises and sets on her precious little man! ;)
Beautiful bedtimes everyone! I WISH I had had a "real" one as lovely as all of yours! (But, tomorrow is a new day!)
Sweet, sweet bedtime pics, everyone!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your bed, Suki... the pillows and the sheets look so inviting. :)
Good luck with your fund-raiser, Lola!
I love bedtime routines. My sixteen year old still insists on the same routine as day one minus the lullaby and nightlight.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to your baby Tezzie! Doesn't time just fly? I can't take it really!
ReplyDeleteI know you will rock the auction Lola! I will pray that you feel a little more rested! I love that you say that to your son as well. We really DO have the best little boys in the whole wide world!
And Sarah has some : ) And Rikako has some : ) And Buckaroomama has one : ) Boys are the best!
I love the stickers on the headboard buckaroomama!
Sorry I have been absent from commenting! We've been at the beach :) I love all the bedtime pics. Becky -- how long ago was that picture?! Kaishon looks much younger!
ReplyDeleteLola - Hope your gala was a huge success!
Hello everyone! So sorry I haven't been visiting and commenting so much this's been (and continues to be) quite crazy-busy :D
ReplyDeleteSweet bedtimes, my friends...I love how our routines are very similar to each other; comfy cozy spots, story time...and I tell my kids that out of all the little boys and girls in the world, I'm so lucky to have gotten the very best ones ;D
Becky - thanks for the birthday wishes!