...to the library on a VERY snowy day! {We have had snowy days almost non-stop this winter.}

LOLA, Utah
...conquer the world and eat bananas.
...conquer the world and eat bananas.

JADE, Thailand
Rainbows always go somewhere... on my way to that pot of gold!

On the way home, there is this little path where senior citizens love to sit and read their papers...

SINGWA, Hong Kong
....to the sky

BECKY, Philadelphia
On our way to and from town, we pass this amazing bakery which is my favorite.

MAY, Germany
...on the way to the mall.

SALMA, Canada
On our way to do some house hunting!

SONYA, The Netherlands
On the way.....down the stairs on Christmas morning. Yahoooo.....!

WANDA, Montreal
We all hope that wherever YOU are on the way to...that joy and love meets you there.
Happy Week-end!
Amen! Wherever you are on your way to this weekend, may you find love and joy!