I am just dying to start The Blind Side by Michael Lewis. Too bad I have to work and can't delve in!

The Prince Dictionary

I love books. I read all the time when I was little, and my all-time favorite books were the Little House on the Prairie books, by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I still have the set from when I was a little girl and have started reading one of them to my daughter. If you are a Little House fan, you should be able to figure out which book is missing from the series in the photo :) I also love my Bible and my book of Eric Carle art.

Just one? Can't do it! And these are just some of my "regular recommendations" to friends and family, I'm not even going to get into the classics that I adore. My most favorite fiction novel (Memoirs of a Geisha) is not pictured here, because despite the fact that I have THREE copies, they are always loaned out! Pictured here are: a few journals I kept from ages 8-16 (these always make for a h.i.l.a.r.i.o.u.s. read, I was a drama queen like you wouldn't believe!) The Artist's Way, Hypnobirthing - The Mongan Method (getting ready for baby number two), The Book of Mormon, Stephen King - On Writing, Childbirth Without Fear, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity, and The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands (LOVE that book!!! I have several "loan out" copies of that one as well.) *Please excuse the messy office ;P

Impossible to just choose ONE favourite book...the latest one I read is Cecelia Ahern's "If You Could See Me Now", which was wonderfully a fairytale for adults :D

I can't really pick just one favorite. I love books by Peter Mayle (on the left). And then there's The Catcher in the Rye... and Boy's Life (one of the more magical books I've read about growing up). One of all-time favorite books is not here and I can't find it (!) --To Kill a Mockingbird.

Sorry, I couldn't just choose one! This is part of my collection of old books...most of them are a hundred years old or older. From the bottom: The Bible in Dutch, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (Kate Douglas Wiggin), Quentin Durward (Scott), Patty and Priscilla (Jean Webster), Some letters of Robert Louis Stevenson, The Life of Charlotte Brontë (Mrs Gaskell) and David Copperfield (Charles Dickens).

At our house, some of the best books come in baskets.