Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dear Self: Today will be a good day!!

Becky, Philadelphia

Buckeroomama, Hong Kong


Caroline, England
Tues ~ Feb 21st, This little man hardly needs this gate now, but it helps 'contain' him just a little! ;D
This little man hardly needs this gate now, but it helps 'contain' him just a little! ;D

Katie, Canada

2012.02.20, Heaven help me - I lost my SD card. *cry* I'm ordering a new one on Amazon but that makes this week another trip down memory lane back to Oman.
Heaven help me - I lost my SD card. *cry* I'm ordering a new one on Amazon but that makes this week another trip down memory lane back to Oman.

2012.02.22, I LOVE this tree! It is a variety of baobab which originate in Africa. (Salalah, Oman)
I LOVE this tree! It is a variety of baobab which originate in Africa. (Salalah, Oman)

Maddy, New Jersey/ NYC
Behind the scenes of a NYC photo shoot: I could never look this good carrying all these bags.

Salma, Canada
02.21, Date night with hubby. The colours in the sky just took my breath away.
Date night with hubby. The colours in the sky just took my breath away.

Tinajo, Sweden
2.22, Who said you shouldn´t play with food..?!
Who said you shouldn't play with food..?!

2.21, Baking a little Focaccia - yum!
Baking a little Focaccia - yum!

Wanda, Canada
Tue Feb 21,2012, Some recent fun in my studio. How did I get so lucky? They loooove having their pic taken. (I set it all up and hubby clicked the button.)
Some recent fun in my studio. How did I get so lucky? They loooove having their pic taken. (I set it all up and hubby clicked the button.)

Wed Feb 22,2012, Downtown Montreal in the dead of winter.
Downtown Montreal in the dead of winter.

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