Friday, September 30, 2011

Today 9.30.11

May, Germany
Today, sonny and I baked a plum crumble together.

Katie, Canada

Buckeroomama, Hong Kong
I scraped the side of our car along this stretch of road (the narrow part) and now there's a huge long gash on the passenger side. Aaaack!

Caroline, England
30th Sept
Autumn also brings some awesome skies :)

Rikako, Japan
So tired... but yes, today is Friday! Have a happy weekend, everyone!

Tinajo, Sweden
Fall is here - time to start projects that will keep me busy during the dark season!

Sonya, The Netherlands
These guys are huge and comical to watch.

Salma, Canada
Communal Global,Salma
Rainbow at the library

Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Today 9.29.11

May, Germany
Finally the door of my home says HELLO FALL..:)

Katie, Canada
I was thrilled and surprised with my Emilie making me "breakfast"...complete with the 4 food groups and a full set of cutlery. Nice!

Salma, Canada
Communal Global,Salma
At Betsy Johnson.

Sonya, The Netherlands
Pretty yellow flowers I have blooming in my front yard.

Tinajo, Sweden
Pretty things makes me feel happy. They don´t have to be expensive, just as long as they make me smile inside when I see them.

Buckeroomama, Hong Kong
Extreme reading!

Sarah, Georgia
Happy 3rd Birthday to my sweet Connor!

Caroline, England
29th Sept
Autumn brings a lot of rain ~ and some pretty pictures!

Rikako, Japan
With mother of the friends of my child, I shared the problem of the child care. I found we all have same concern.

Maddy, New Jersey/ NYC
The best part of being an adult? Buying the sugary cereal my mom would never buy for us growing up!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Today 9.28.11

Sarah, Georgia
Homework folders for each child and some bedtime reading -- The Boxcar Children!

Katie, Canada
Harvest time yields great bounty!

Caroline, England
28th Sept
More signs of seasons changing...

Rikako, Japan
I found the rabbit-shaped pretty iphone case!

May, Germany
One of the picture perfect days in our village. That's snow white's castle in the corner.

Buckeroomama, Hong Kong
My baby's baby legs

Tinajo, Sweden
Some days, my house is filled with monsters and my rascals are nowhere to be seen...

Sonya, The Netherlands
Fishin' with the husband

Salma, Canada
Communal Global,Salma

Monday, September 26, 2011

It's Time for Around the World Tuesday!

Sarah, Georgia
Took my daughter and my niece to their first horse show over the weekend and they loved it!

Rikako, Japan
Girls night out! I went for a karaoke and continued singing for six hours.

Katie, Canada
What my Mimi-kins will look like at 80? Maybe. (It's cornstarch. She got into the baby's diaper caddy and a new jar of vaseline. She got it EVERYWHERE, including her hair. It took forever to get that stuff out!)

May, Germany
Changing color is one thing, but shedding leaves feels too soon.

Tinajo, Sweden
I love that my oldest still enjoys small crafts without feeling that he´s "too big". I hope it stays that way for a while longer!

Sonya, The Netherlands
It's mushroom time again in Holland!

Caroline, England
Paul used to play a lot, but I don't think he's played his trombone in over 3 years (maybe more). Most of the children couldn't remember ever hearing him do so! But when he got it out the other night they all had a lot of fun with it :-) I hope he'll do it again soon.

Salma, Canada
Communal Global,Salma
A street wedding
(we were not invited :)

Maddy, New Jersey/NYC
I long for the day when I have a washer & dryer in my house. Until then, it's another night at the laundromat for me.

Buckeroomama, Hong Kong
This is our favorite on-the-road song this past couple of weeks.

Tuesday Around the World

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Today 9.26.11

Becky, Philadelphia

9.26.11Eyelashes that go on for days.

May, Germany


Over the weekend we were invited to the night watchman's tour of Lohr am Main. He wore the medieval costume of the night watchman explaining his role and the life the villagers led in the 17th century.

Buckeroomama, Hong Kong


This kid was watching Josh and his friend play Beyblades. While he is cute, the fact that he was wearing pants at least two sizes bigger was even cuter! :)

Tinajo, Sweden


Our cat loves to rest on the kitchen chair when we cook dinner - always hoping that something will fall down on the floor (which it usually does).

Sonya, The Netherlands


The only time downtown Enschede is this quiet is on a Sunday!

Caroline, England

26th Sept


Salma, Canada


Katie, Canada


Eva's got a twin!

Rikako, Japan


My father got on a coach for three hours and came to our town. Kids were holding the hand of their loving grandfather all the time.

Maddy, New Jersey/ NYC


This weekend we celebrated my hubby's birthday!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Today 23.9.2011


RIKAKO, JAPAN9.24 At the roof of the station building, we can enjoy the scenery of sky.


CAROLINE, ENGLAND23rd SeptHe still brings me flowers ... 16 years (and a bit)!


KATIE, CANADA2011.09.23


LOLA, UTAHSeptember 23 Feeling a little overwhelmed today... can't believe that I've still never gotten around to editing any of Kort's baseball pics. ...AND... I've broken out in shingles... again. {Bah!!!} I'm a little sick of being punished by my body for "overdoing." I'm a mom. Overdoing is in my job description.




SARAH, GEORGIA9.23 This is our puppy, Stella, at 6 weeks old! We got her this summer and she has grown so much in such a short amount of time!!


TINA, SWEDEN9.23 During the right circumstances, take out can taste like the highest cuisine.


BUCKEROOMAMA, HONG KONG9.23 I love his toothless smile. I love his silliness. I love this boy!


Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!