Monday, September 30, 2013

A little Monday Fun...

Today... I'm not going to tell you whose is whose picture!

Have some fun matching names to images... some are a bit of a give away!! ;)

Brought to you by photographers:
Caroline in England
Becky in the USA
Wanda in Canada
Singwa in HongKong
Jade in Thailand
Sonya in The Netherlands

A little online shopping - bunny nightlights for the kids and washi tape for me.

And we're off!


This was at around 11:00am...

Practicing his Rodin sculpture look - "Hey I could totally rock a Calvin Klein ad"

Friday, September 27, 2013

Last Friday of September

BECKY - Philadelphia

 photo DSC_0903_zps8b9d6874.jpg

CAROLINE - England
Caught ~ in Summer's last Horah!

The Elder is in fruit ~ Autumn is here!
Fri Sept 27th photo 9942479263_3ab174bb1a_b_zps5dd6ab98.jpg

JADE - Thailand

SEPT 27 photo _1050527_zps869bf9f2.jpg

SONYA - The Netherlands
A foggy morning view of my backyard..The hens say, "Hello!"

Fri Sept 27, 2013 photo droplets_zps0faf7e00.jpg

SUSANNA - Finland
I rescued these summer's last flowers from our garden and took them in. Nights and mornigs are so cold now - fall is really here!

 From old t-shirts to carpet rag - when I get enough material I will crochet something
Fri - September 27, 2013 photo Fri-September272013_zps8934a7d3.jpg

WANDA - Montreal
An almost daily occurrence chez nous - Notes from my girls!
Fri Sept 27, 2013 photo _DSC9491fb_zps69567d61.jpg

Wishing everyone a wonderful week-end!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday Around the World

Becky @ USA

Susanna @ Finland
Coffee and my newest Moomin mug.

Sonya @ The Netherlands

Caroline @ England
The imp's 'Not-Back-2-School' poses!

Singwa @ HongKong
Twirling glow sticks on Mid-Autumn Festival.

Jade @ Thailand


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Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday, Monday...

Caroline @ England
Deep in concentration...

Singwa @ Hong Kong
Old buildings in Shumshuipo (Kowloon)

Jade @ Thailand

Sonya @ The Netherlands

Susanna @ Finland
Every day is a laundry day...

Becky @ USA

Friday, September 20, 2013

Almost pumpkin time.....Friday

Very late to be posting - just made it before midnight!!

But, we're here!

SINGWA ~ Hong Kong
Fri - Sep 20, 2013 photo North-Point-man-1_zps98c0351c.jpg

SUSANNA ~ Finland
Me and my red wellies.
Fri - September 20, 2013 photo Fri-September202013_zps2484c2b1.jpg

CAROLINE ~ England
Time for a little Uno!
Fri Sept 20th photo 9663290955_1d3029d42f_o_zpse8a3d92b.jpg

SONYA ~ The Netherlands
Banana Yeast Loaves
Fri Sept 20,2013 photo bananayeastbread2_zpse32fcc8e.jpg

                                                                                      BECKY - Philadelphia
  photo mysel9_zps2eadfe47.jpg

JADE ~ Thailand
 Introducing Cy Grayson Keller, born on Sept 10
SEPT 16: Introducing Cy Grayson Keller, born on Sept 10 photo atbirth_zps72792ea8.jpg
Repeating this image because he is sooooooo cute. (In case you missed it earlier this week!)

WANDA ~ Montreal 
The flowers are fading - fall is in the air but....not so fast.
Fri Sept 20, 2013 photo _DSC9085wmfb_zpse41e58ad.jpg

Happy week-end!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Today–Sep 19, 2013

I just love these dark autumn evenings!!!
Thu - September 19, 2013 photo Thu-September192013_zpsafc040af.jpg
Thurs Sept 19,2013 photo hy1_zps9e5f9ff1.jpg
Samples from our class 'Monet' lesson
Thurs Sept 19th photo 9726162727_4410308f5b_b_zpsf738dd83.jpg
Family nap time
SEPT 19: Family nap time photo photo25_zps344683ac.jpg
 photo 99d1aea4-7a28-4f5f-8ce0-44163c1fe602_zps71c479b1.jpg
Thurs Sept 19, 2013 photo PhShoLucy304wmfb_zps71ad1493.jpg
Thu - Sep 19, 2013 photo Tram-1_zps9a0f1fff.jpg

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday Around The World

Sonya @ The Netherlands

Jade @ Thailands
Settling in to our first night at home

Caroline @ England
He's not back2school either ~ because this week he started @ 6th Form College ~ studying Photography (of course!!)

Wanda @ Canada

Becky @ USA

Susanna @ Finland
Evening walk with my men

Singwa ~ Hong Kong
Ribbons Galore!

It's over to YOU!


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