September days are here,
With summer’s best of weather
And autumn’s best of cheer."
- Helen Hunt Jackson, September
Tuesdays Around the World
It is impossible for you to be angry and laugh at the same time. Anger and laughter are mutually exclusive and you have the power to choose either. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer
Bus stops in front of a small community shopping center.
Chinese calligraphy on a t-shirt.
TINAJO, SWEDEN The last ones for this summer. Sigh.
Usually I don´t take long lunch breaks, but when I have the time and the weather is right, I love to sit on this bench and watch all the people run by. A little hideaway in the middle of the city.
We don't laugh because we're happy -- we're happy because we laugh. ~William James
May your weekend be filled with lots of smiles and laughter, everyone!
Some thoughts on love, according to kids… Some of these have been floating around for a while now, but they never fail to bring a smile no matter how many times one reads them:
I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.
When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love.
Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.
Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss.
My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.
If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you don't like to play with.
During my piano recital, I was on a stage and scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore.
Love is when mommy sees daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross.
When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.
You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget, and it's good for them to get reminded.
So go, go and tell somebody you love them, but *psst*… only if you really mean it!