Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tuesday Around the World.

Singwa ~ HongKong

Jade ~ Thailand

Becky ~ Philadelphia

Tina ~ Sweden
Celebrating the first real warmth in the sunroom after a long winter!

Maddy ~ New Jersey/NYC
The blossom season was just incredible this year!

May ~ Germany
A bouquet of spring blossoms from my girl!!

Caroline ~ England
When the sun comes out it's time to pull out the bubbl(e)y!! ;)

So how does life look in your corner of the globe this week ~ has spring sprung? 
Or are you enjoying autumnal days?

Grab our button and pop it on your blog post,
  then link that post up to us using the linky below... 

~ we'd love you to share with us!

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

“Beginnings are usually scary, endings are usually sad, but it's what's in the middle that counts. So when you find yourself at the beginning, just give hope a chance to float up. And it will.” ― Steven Rogers, Hope Floats

Mon. April 29. 2013 photo DSC_3718_0650_zps6586a8da.jpg
Daffodils are my favorite flowers and also considered a symbol of hope.
Maddy, New Jersey

15.02.15 Snow White sends love from Lohr photo DSC_2836_zpsf6ab75bd.jpg
May, Germany

Fri March 15 2013..Friends photo boyshands_zps5b9c3c27.jpg
Sonya, The Netherlands

APRIL 29: HOPE photo 5a08f8e6-d3c7-475a-9e5b-60eb083f0121_zps06e0348d.jpg
Jade, Thailand

Mon April 29th ~ Hope photo untitled-_zps7a709abb.jpg
I'm to hoping to get some truely vintage shots when I get some film for these cameras, and I'm hoping that the old cinefilm, which we found at my Nanna's,  may even be of me learning to walk!!
Caroline, England

Mon - Apr 29, 2013 photo In-red-hat-1_zpsbcb97357.jpg
This little girl just had a birthday....may all her hopes and dreams come true! 
Singwa, Hong Kong

tiny beauty.. photo IMG_0127_zps9d5f42c1.jpg
 Rocio, New Mexico

Mon - April 29, 2013 Hope is in the eyes of little rascals photo 130428_1_1_zps9cf33f37.jpg
Hope is in the eyes of little rascals 
Tina, Sweden

Tues Feb 12, 2013 photo Flowers013_zpsddfb3b31.jpg
Wanda, Canada

 photo missingteeth_zps125258af.jpg
Becky, Philadelphia

"Hope" is the thing with feathers-
That perches in the soul-
And sings the tune without the words-
And never stops—at all-

And sweetest—in the Gale—is heard-
And sore must be the storm-
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm-

I've heard it in the chillest land-
And on the strangest Sea-
Yet, never, in Extremity,
It asked a crumb—of Me.
Emily Dickinson

We hope you have a beautiful week.

and Becky

Friday, April 26, 2013

Time for Bed

BECKY - Philadelphia
 photo sleepingcommunalglobal_zpsd313ddfd.jpg

SINGWA - Hong Kong
....at bedtime.
Fri - Apr 26, 2013 (At bedtime) photo At-bedtime_zpsbbdca9da.jpg

CAROLINE - England
I've been backing up old pictures from disks, and found this one that a friend of mine shot on film. He was capturing his God-daughter's bedtime this day..back in 2002! 
Fri April 26th ~ Time for Bed (please read media info) photo untitled-0006_zps298e376f.jpg

JADE in Thailand
PHOTO FOR APRIL 26: TIME FOR BED photo _TMK2921_zps4ac57051.jpg

WANDA - Montreal
Time to turn of the computer and.........
Fri Apr 26, 2013 Time for Bed..... photo 2013-04-25Communalglobal001_zps938994f8.jpg

.....GET TO BED!!!

Good night.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Today–Apr 25, 2013

…is happy to see the sun at last.
Thurs April 25th photo 8653825258_7da58237b1_c_zps21f43cb6.jpg
…asked this little girl to say ‘cheese’… and she did!
 photo lovecolor_zps93c720c3.jpg
…is having some puppy love.
PHOTO FOR APRIL 25 photo IMG_1123_zps07b47058.jpg
…is glad that spring is finally here.
Thursday, April 25th 2013. Taking in spring... photo DSC_3777_zps636d2dd7.jpg
…went to the wet market.
Thu - Apr 25, 2013 photo Wet-market-1_zpsf9f22e35.jpg

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday Around The World

May ~ Germany
...is enjoying the tulips.

Singwa ~ HongKong
...is rediscovering junior fiction... Fablehaven.

Caroline ~ England
...is just SO glad to see the sun at last!!

Jade ~ Thailand
...is enjoying a cup of tea!

Becky ~ Philedelphia
...is feeling 'bubbly'

Wanda ~ Canada
...is honouring :(

Why not share with us what you 'are' today :D

We'd love you to link up below
 and don't forget to grab our button (in the footer) to add your post.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, April 22, 2013


Today we bring you a little mini-view of the world at our feet!!!

Caroline ~ England
This is just the kids shoe cupboard ~ there's another one the same right next for Paul's and mine! We have a LOT of shoes in our home!! And btw ~ the feet at the bottom of the picture ... that's me in my 'old faithfuls' :D 

Singwa ~ HongKong

Jade ~ Thailand
Heals on Cobbles...hmmm...treacherous!

Becky ~ Philedelphia
Boots in the rain.

Just a little bit of fun :D

Friday, April 19, 2013

Self-Portraits - Friday

“I paint myself because I am often alone and I am the subject I know best.” – Frida Kahlo

MADDY from New jersey/NYC
Fri. April 19. 2013 photo WY_0433_zpsa449cb1c.jpg

A Selfie - Andy Warhol style

 Thu - Mar 28, 2013 photo Selfie-Warhol-style_zps0a234a0c.jpg

NOT BECKY from Philadelphia
 - being a bit shy, Becky wouldn't mind having Kaish stand in her stead.
 photo kaishandthemagnifyingglass_zps0be29795.jpg

CAROLINE from England
Hi Folks :D
Fri April 19th ~ Selfie :D photo 8598487641_0767c81df3_c_zps533f549c.jpg

“Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence.''

JADE in Thailand
SELFIE (APRIL 19) photo IMG_0963_zpsf2841916.jpg

MAY from Germany
Fri, April 19th 2013 photo DSC_1551_zps819c954a.jpg

SONYA from The Netherlands
Fri April 19,2013 Self Portrait photo portrait2_zpsc19dc86a.jpg

WANDA from Montreal
In the mirror. This is my profile picture for everything (business related). If you hung around me a lot you'd be sick of it by now. =)
Fri April 19, 2013 - Selfie photo MeCollage_zps48a22053.jpg

This week I saw a YouTube link on Facebook from Dove. It's powerful. We so don't see ourselves the way others do....and the way we really are! Click the link below - it's just 3 minutes.


And go - get in the picture!

Happy week-end!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Today–Apr 18, 2013

Bedtime reading.
Thu - Apr 18, 2013 photo Bedtime-reading-1_zps2e809e27.jpg
Thur, April 18th 2013 photo DSC_3435_zps79008a08.jpg
 photo leader_zpsed905fff.jpg
It's still pretty chilly around here, but Spring is finally try to rear her head :D
Thurs April 18th photo untitled-3712_zps703a8ff3.jpg
APRIL 18 photo _TMK2918_zps52a12635.jpg
Thurs. April 18. 2013 photo UB_0064WEB_zpse4416ba7.jpg
Thurs April 18,2013 photo strawfrost4_zps406958b7.jpg

Psst, you ever wonder who the ladies behind Communal Global are… what we look like?

Come and visit us again tomorrow. 

You might be able to put a face to some of the names that you see here.