
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hope you're enjoying the last weekend of January!

Buckeroomama, Hong Kong
1.30, Pineapple fried rice  - What we had for lunch AND dinner on Sat.  Too lazy to cook twice in one day!
Pineapple fried rice - What we had for lunch AND dinner on Sat. Too lazy to cook twice in one day!

Caroline, England
He's teaching us to gurn!! ;D

Katie, Indonesia
2012.01.27, Daniel's home on R&R from Iraq!! So nice to have all the family together again, even if it is just for a couple short weeks. :)
Daniel's home on R&R from Iraq!! So nice to have all the family together again, even if it is just for a couple short weeks. :)

Maddy, New Jersey/ NYC
1.27.12, Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
After a day of rain, we were able to enjoy this gorgeous sky.

Sonya, The Netherlands

1 comment:

  1. So glad I found your blog. I love seeing these photos! Great job, all of you!
