
Monday, October 3, 2011

Tuesday Around the World

RIKAKO, JAPAN 10.4 Athletic meet of kindergarten
BUCKEROOMAMA, HONG KONG 10.4 Josh and Zoë spotted an army of ants moving a dead bug and wanted to watch.
CAROLINE, ENGLAND sky,landscape Here in the UK summer has decided to have final fling, and this week we have enjoyed temperatures up to 29C ~ most uncharacteristic for end of September ~ we made the most and did school 'al fresco' ~ wouldn't you if you lived here!!
KATIE, CANADA 2011.10.04
LOLA, UTAH Photobucket
SONYA, THE NETHERLANDS 4.10 This lovely creature inhabits our front window and keeps it bug free!
TINA, SWEDEN 10.4 The only plant still in bloom in my garden - I love the purple flowers!
SARAH, GEORGIA 10.4 My son's first time playing goalie -- here he is in the shootout they have at the end of every game. He did great and said he loved it!
SALMA, CANADA Salma,Communal Global Saturday afternoon shopping


MAY, GERMANY 04.10.11 Colorful farmer markets in Germany are a delight to visit. Any guesses which fruit I ended up buying?

Study 1 - black border (resized 150)


  1. Oh Katie, those handwritten letters are so lovely!

  2. Happy Tuesday...all so lovely!


  3. Beautiful world we live in....
    May did you pick the raspberries because the is a great price!!

    Have a wonderful Tuesday all...

  4. as always, a beautiful collection of photos here! happy tuesday all.

  5. Lola, that should be illegal. Becky you made something so simple look so beautiful. Great shot!

  6. Eeek! That spider was terrifying!
    Hiding it in with all the beautiful photos was just cruel! ;)
