
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ever notice how Fri-day rhymes with par-tay?
Just sayin'

May in Germany


The raisins, cherries, candied peel have all gone a soaking. How do you prepare for Christmas?

Salma in Canada

Lola in Utah

Friday, Oct 14

Book Cub Meeting! We read "The Picture of Dorian Gray" this month, and I have to say "Meh, it was okay." You can definitely tell that it was written over 100 years ago. The words are all flowery and ramble-y and annoying. Also, the plot was kinda random, and he did a lot of "tell" and very little "show." I give it a C minus. But the fall foods potluck that everyone brought was A + all the way!

Tinajo in Sweden


Dinner at our friends house - always nice!

Buckeroomama in Hong Kong

(ok....I totally cheated here and posted one of Bmama's former pictures....just to keep with the food theme. Anybody notice how food is on the mind? Must be that par-tay thing!)

Rikako in Japan


Girls making the rolled sushi. It is so much fun even if they can't make it well.
Sonya in the Netherlands


A typical countryside Dutch neighborhood.

(ooops....we've broken the trend. Oh well....what a lovely scene - food for the eyes.)

Caroline in England

14th Oct

My Little Gymnast ~ 3 weeks since starting and he's been asked to try out for the squad :-) PMM!!

Sarah in Atlanta


We stopped at an Aviation Museum next to an air force base. Admission was free and there was so much to see! My kids loved seeing all the huge military planes

Wanda in Montreal, Canada

Fri Oct 14

My two punkins in a pumpkin patch.

Wishing everyone a spectacular week-end!!!


  1. Yes, happy weekend to you all! :-)

  2. I'm glad you put that one in, Wanda! I think we might have to go back to that place to get me some more of than --VERY soon! :)

    Have a super lovely weekend, everyone!

  3. looks delicious..and i understand your weekend was FAB /marie
