
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Wednesday {from New Jersey all the way to Sweden}

May, Germany


I love handwork. And when I came across this market at Lucca selling hand painted glass work, I could not contain my excitement!! It was very hard to decide what to buy.

 Rikako, Japan


Kent after the haircut. Wanna be a soccer player.

 Salma, Canada

 Communal Global,Salma

We had a great {first} Eid in our new home.

Sonya, the Netherlands


This home is the bottom part of what used to be a giant windmill!

Tina, Sweden


Just 5 minutes from my husband's work. He often takes walks here.

Caroline, England

7th Sept 

Jack ~ our friend since our eldest were babies. He is a master craftsman! The stick he's wittling is solid oak and is now a beautiful walking stick he made for me ~ now to do some walking!!

Katie, Indonesia


So I've moved! We'd packed up and bid adieu to our friends and home in Indonesia and begun a new chapter in our lives. My husband is working in Iraq for the next year so myself and the girls have moved home to Canada. While we are already missing him lots we are determined to love every minute back in the Great White North. Besides, I had missing some good hockey... ;)

Maddy, New Jersey


My favorite stop in the mornings before my long commute to work. I always get the same thing: small hot latte with sugar.

Buckeroomama, Hong Kong


Did I mention Zoe is quite the little monkey? She went up this wall in a flash. She let go, dropped down, and did it all over again. Again and again.

Becky, Philadelphia

9.7.11 Kaishon and Jonathon were sad to send Shoshi back to Bangladesh. We miss him every day. So thankful for a friend like him! 

Kaishon and Jonathon were sad to say goodbye to Shoshi after a short visit. He is on his way back to Bangladesh for the 6th grade. We miss him every day.

ABC Wednesday (Letter H)


  1. Shoshi looks to have grown quite a bit! =)

  2. Shoshi!!!! Sad to hear that they had to part so soon, but glad that they had a fun reunion this summer!

    I'm with Bmama, he has grown!

  3. wow - a trip around the world!

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  4. He is Handsome!

    My ABC is about the only Horse ride I can tolerate.

  5. He is Handsome!

    My ABC is about the only Horse ride I can tolerate.

  6. Shoshi did grow : ) He is the best.
    I like Dunkin Donuts coffee also Maddy.
    Yum in my tum.
    Super fun to travel all around the world with you today girls!

  7. Nice set of photographs :)

    Visit my Black and White Wednesday Entry too here :)

    Emotive Train Station

    Thank you and God bless :)

  8. Beautiful colorful shots today ladies! Bye to Shoshi such a sweet smile! Katie welcome back to Canada I hope and pray your hubby stays safe in Iraq.

  9. Your photos hum with human energy!
    ABC Team

  10. Seeing these photos are are always something I look forward too... thanks ladies.

  11. Great shots today friends :)
    Lovely to see Shoshi ~ if only briefly :)

  12. Wow you really get around!

    If you miss Black and White Wednesdays . . . hop over tomorrow to and link up to my first ever Black and White Wednesday blog hop.

    Thanks & Merry Christmas!
    Mrs. Claus
