
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Monday - back to work!

"  Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
Thomas A. Edison

Lola. Utah
"  I learned the value of hard work by working hard."
Margaret Mead

Buckeroomama, Hong Kong

"  Work harder on yourself than you do on your job."
Jim Rohn

Katie, Indonesia

"  Wanting to work is so rare a merit that it should be encouraged."
Abraham Lincoln

Jen, Germany
April 11

"  Take your work seriously, but never yourself."
Margot Fonteyn

Caroline, England

"  Whatever your life's work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better."
Martin Luther King, Jr

Wanda, Canada

"  Choose a job you love, and you will 
never have to work a day in your life."

Sonya, The Netherlands

"  It is the quality of our work which 
will please God and not the quantity."
Mohandas Gandhi

Sarah, Georgia

"  The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary."
Vince Lombardi

Rikako, Japan
0411 TODAY

Happy Monday lovlies!
{Now, go get your work on!}


  1. I thought that was a real cougar Lola! : ) For real!
    LOVE the wedding Rikako. How beautiful. Was the cake delicious? It is gorgeous!
    Very pretty scene Wanda!
    Love the dragonfly Sonya!
    Love the kidgets in a row Sarah, so cute.
    Your picture is ALL sorts of awesome Caroline. LOVE!
    Very sweet shot of Zoe BMama.
    Jen! Welcome back from Switzerland. This shot is gorgeous! So is yours Katie. Very nice!
    Hope everyone has a very happy Monday : )

  2. Happy Monday ladies!!! Have a great week too..:)

  3. Oh, no! Is it Monday already? =)

    Love all the wonderful photos! Wanda, I really like that flare. Great job!

    Have a marvelous Monday!

  4. Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, the only get one missing is Mother Teresa... :)

    All the pictures and ALL the quotes are fantastic and inspirational!

    What a fabulous way to start a Monday!!! :)

    Better get to work on teaching my kids.


  5. Happy Monday ladies! Hope your day is as beautiful as you all are.

  6. My word, what AMAZING AMAZING photos! Fabulous post:).

  7. I just love these pictures...i sound like a broken record...well done again!

  8. Really fabulous photos. Love all of them. I am your newest follower. Hoping to learn from you and maybe take a little inspiration away. Thanks!

  9. Wow....everyone is really stepping up their A game. (And...ahem....working very hard!!)

    Katie - it's scenes like yours that bring back so many wonderful memories of my visit to Indonesia. The step are just so amazing.

    Wonderful week ladies!!!!
