
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Today 1.21.11

Sonya, The Netherlands
A sherbet colored blood orange.

Buckeroomama, Hong Kong
jan 21
We're still finishing off Josh's birthday cake!

Sarah, Georgia
My daughter and one of her sweet friends. She was apparently not up for making silly faces for the camera!

Lola, Utah
1.21.2011 Today

Salma, Canada
The not so pretty side of winter.

Becky, Philadelphia
Smiles all around.

Katie, Indonesia
There is something good about everywhere you go. We love Indonesia but British Columbia has been fun too. One of the benefits of being here is all of the kids activities (something we miss on the other side of the world). A local bakeshop invited us to a free cupcake class. There we got make cupcake balls, decorate cupcakes and have all kinds of sugary fun. Emilie, who we try to keep away from too much sugar, was in HEAVEN! (I didn't mind eating some too!)

Caroline, England (UK)
I took THE most flattering picture of my daughter!! We laughed LOTS!! :D

Wanda, Montreal
1.21.2011 Today
Little one movin' in for a smooch.

Rikako, Japan
1.21 Today
Kids harvested the potatoes with grandpa.

Maddy, New Jersey/NYC


  1. Rikako, Love seeing grandpa. Wow he still looks like I remember him, just maybe his hair is lightening in color. But still handsome, regal grandpa. And good....get those kids to help him pick the potatoes. They have fun and I am sure grandpa enjoys it also. Keep up the pictures. Love your sis-Nancy

  2. Great shots today especially all the kiddos! Have a wonderful weekend! Go Jets! Sorry Becky! lol!

  3. Great shots everyone. Maddy - love the texture and I don't even know what it is but it certainly caught my eye.
