
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

11.18.10 Today we are grateful for...

Today we are grateful for:

Wanda, Canada
I'm grateful for....Nov 18, 2010
This little monkey who puts a smile on my face every day. Today this little monkey is 3. Happy Birthday!
Buckaroomama, Hong Kong
I am grateful for smiley faces... especially this smiley face that ZoĆ« made for me by lining up the "bubbles" from her bubble drink!  :)
Lola, Utah
Today I am grateful for family. Happy Birthday Little Brother.
Sarah, Georgia
11.18 Today
Today I am thankful for good friends.
Sonya, Netherlands
I am grateful for the chance to see things up close. Things I would otherwise ignore.
Becky, Philadelphia
 I am thankful for love that endures.
Rikako, Japan
11.18 Gratitude Series.
I am thankful I can have delicious French dishes without being disturbed by my kids!
Maddy, NJ/NYC
I am grateful my Mom has been blessed with another year today.

Today we are being inspired by all of the things we are grateful for.
Birthdays, Babies, Cereal Smiles, Lemons
You know....all the normal things!
What are you grateful for today?


  1. Perfect things to be thankful for...smiles, kiddos, Sprite, hands that pick beautiful fruit and moms!!! I'm so grateful for those reminders.

  2. I am grateful for my husband, my daughter and for people and places that can fill you with hope when your running on empty.

  3. So Many Birthdays today and so much to be grateful for!! Happy Birthday to all the our CG loved ones :)

  4. Wow my pic is kinda big on there..think I might of clicked the wrong Beautiful photo ladies!

  5. Beautiful, and so many things to be thankful for!

  6. All things Im grateful for as well! I'm so grateful for my family love.

  7. Oh, I'm lovin this "grateful" series!! Very inspiring.

  8. such an eclectic and fun group of shots. Thanks for sharing!
