
Monday, March 22, 2010


3.22.10 My favorite Magazine
I am so cheap! Do you know how I get my favorite magazine? I go to our local thrift store on half price day and get old copies for a quarter. I put them in my work bag to meander thru while I am in the court waiting room a few days a week. They are a lifesaver!

3.22 Favorite Magazine
Please excuse the picture -- I took it with my phone :) My all-time favorite magazine to read is Southern Living, but I quit subscribing to it because I would tear out every recipe I wanted to try and every project I wanted to do and every trip I wanted to take and, well, it just got to be a little much :) But it's still THE magazine I'll buy for a long car trip or something like that. These are the 2 magazines I had at home that I've read most recently. The first is one from the "free stash" that they give out at the pediatrician's office. We have a son who has ADHD and ODD, so when I saw the headline "Parent Advocate" I thought it might have some helpful information in it. The second was included in my first order of produce from the CSA we just joined. It was full of recipes and articles about local farms and farmers and restaurants around Atlanta that use fresh and/or organic produce.

I know... T R A S H but I love em...

3/22 Favorite Mazines
Movie, Fasion, Culture, Movie, Fashion.

I love peeking in on beautiful homes that belong to other people and finding fun new design ideas. So, I sort of love "House Beautiful"...can you tell?

3.22 A favourite magazine
I couldn't choose one! From left to right: Burda, a German sewing magazine, rather difficult to find in South Africa. Then Elle, the SA version. Lastly Idees, an Afrikaans craft magazine.

3.22 A favorite magazine
I don't often read magazines, but my mother-in-law got my daughter a subscription to Highlights for her birthday and it's a whole family favorite! Unfortunately, it takes ages for new issues to arrive. The February issue just came last week!

3.22 "Favourite Magazine"
I'm not much of a magazine reader...but when I do pick one up, it's usually a photography mag, or home decor :D

Suki,reading vogue,my favourite magazine
I love vogue. I get some inspiration from it. I just love to look at the pictures and pretty faces.


  1. BECKY: What an awesome idea to buy magazines...☺

    SARAH: I need to check out those magazines I also have a kiddo with ADHD...♥

    RIKAKO: Love the covers!! Fashion are some of my favorite 2...☺

    LOLA: I love House Beautiful...♥

    CORNELIA: "idees" they have that one in Mexico its call "ideas" and my Mom love that one!

    EMILY: Oh we are big fans of Highlights!!!

    TEZZIE: I have never pick a photography mag. I most buy one jejejeje! Love the angle on your pic!

    SUKI: I once dreamed that I was a photographer for was an awesome dream!!! I ♥ VOGUE!

  2. Happy Monday, ladies!

    Becky - What an awesome idea...I love thriftyness! (is that even a word?! ;D)

    Sarah - those sound really interesting! (although the title on the second one would tend to confuse me...Edible Mountains!? ;D LOL)

    I suspect ADHD in my Boy...I should start finding some literature on how to better enable him...

    Rikako - fun mags!...(with some yummy men, I notice ;D)

    Lola - inspirational decor mags! That looks like a gret one!

    Cornelia - you sew your own clothes? I find that totally impressive!

    Emily - That looks like the BEST magazine...exactly what we need here at our house with the kids. It's so easy to get stuck in the every day, so kid inspiriation is most definitely needed!

    Suki - great shot! Loooove that chair and your wallpaper! :D

    Rocio - yeah, those photo mags are awesome...i just drool over all the toys I want + they have some really helpful hints. And, thanks so much for the compliment <3

  3. I love Suki's wallpaper! And her mag! I think going thru magazines for picture ideas is SO brilliant. Sometimes I rip almost every page out of Oprah and Glamour... Ridiculous!

    I love that Sarah is reading a magazine that can help her child. She always does the most amazing things that Sarah!

    House Beautiful! Oh, the ideas. The blissful ideas. And then I look in the bank account and say DARN IT! I can't do any of these fabulous things.

    Cornelia! How great is it that you can sew. Fabulous. You are so good at so many things!

    Highlights is so fun. Kaishon used to love that. I don't know why the little bugger keeps growing. I keep telling him not to and he does not listen. I suppose he is too old for Highlights now. I miss having little people in the house.

    Love your magazine choices Rikako. You are the most informed up to date girl ever!

    Super fun post! : ) Happy Reading! Happy Monday!

  4. Haha, Becky I rip out things a lot!
    Beautiful pictures everyone.
    Love the house mags.

    Happy Monday everyone.

  5. Love all the magazines -- this makes me want to go out and buy some to read. Becky, what a great idea to go to the thrift store! You are so resourceful!!

    Emily, we love Highlights. My daughter received it as a birthday gift and love getting something in the mail each month :)

  6. Rangefinder is a free photographer mag. I get a lot of great ideas from it.

  7. Wow, interesting, I don't even own a magazine.

    Very nice to see the many different mags out there (that I am definitely not reading). Maybe I'll go out an buy a magazine...Hmmm.
