
Thursday, October 6, 2011

It’s Mostly About Food…


BUCKEROOMAMA, HONG KONGPhotobucket I love curry!


SARAH, GEORGIA10.6 playing outside on a gorgeous afternoon




CAROLINE, ENGLAND6th October It's been so lovely to have the kids play out so much this week ~ even the 'Cars' got a dose of the sunshine!


SONYA, THE NETHERLANDS6.10 Roasted chickpeas are my new favorite snack.


MAY, GERMANY06.10.11 Over the weekend we visited the dolphin show at the Nürnberg zoo. It was amazing to see them and also hear the delighted gasps of all the children.


LOLA, UTAHPhotobucket


RIKAKO, JAPAN10.6 Girls' secret room.


WANDA, MONTREALOct 4, 2010 Tim Bits!!


TINA, SWEDEN10.6 My youngest is the one who really cares about how he dresses, trying to match clothes from their color and how they look together.


KATIE, CANADA2011.10.06 We went to the bunny sanctuary ( and Emilie was in heaven!! She was thrilled with the "bunnies EVERYWHERE!!"


SALMA, CANADASalma,Communal Global I'm hungry. . .


BECKY, PHILADELPHIA 10.19.10 Mom's apple pie.


  1. I'm hungry ! Have a wonderful day ladies!

  2. We should do a virtual potluck... =)

  3. So funny when (almost) everyone posts to an unexpected theme! Great foody post today ~ I always fascinated by how other people eat.
