
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Baby, it's cold outside! Show us your fuzzy slippers!

Becky, Philadelphia
12.2.10 fuzzy bunny baby slippers

Buckeroomama, Hong Kong
12.2 Fuzzy slippers
We usually go barefoot around the house, but in winter time, these come out of storage!

Caroline, England (UK)
We are not a house of slipper-wearers ~ I hate my feet covered! So enjoy this instead!!

Lola, Utah
Pretty scuffed little scuffies! We LIVE in slippers through about 9 months of the year! If I had my way, I'd keep the thermostat at 73, but since that would just about kill the hubs, I sweater up and slipper up! Utah is cold forever!

Maddy, New Jersey/NYC
These UGG slippers are worth every penny! They are so warm and cozy, and keep my feet comfortable all year round. Once I slip into them, I finally feel at home!


  1. I really wouldn't mind having a pair of Ugg Slippers! I go barefoot 90% of the time here in Virginia.

  2. Slippers are fabulous : ) Oh yes they are. Wishing everyone a happy and cozy Thursday evening. Hope your feet are snuggly! XO

  3. Fun slippers ladies! I love my Ugg Slippers like Maddy said you know your home! Have a wonderful day!
