
Monday, December 20, 2010

12.21.2010 Tuesdays Around the World

Time to link up and share your Tuesdays with us! Simply share your own "today" (in a post on your own blog where you mention, and link back to Communal Global) then link up with us (at the bottom of this post) so we can come and visit your blog and see your unique (or wonderfully ordinary) "TODAY." Oh, and while you're at it, feel free to add our button to your site (see the link that says "add us" in our header? Click that!) so more of your friends can share in the sharing! We can't wait to see your "Today."

Buckeroomama, Hong Kong

Caroline, England (UK)
His first time 'on stage' ~ not sure what he was thinking, but he looked so sweet!

Lola, Utah
Having a blast with "home enhanced" Christmas ornaments. I found a tube holding 16 of these babies at the Target dollar spot and have been glittering them up. Woo-hoo! Love me a good deal!

Wanda, Montreal
Dec 21, 2010
My Christmas Village (and btw - Happy Winter!)

Maddy, New Jersey
Today I'm wrapping gifts - my favorite "holiday activity".

Becky, Philadelphia
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28

Rikako, Japan
12.21 TODAY
Kid's and Mother's Christmas Party!


  1. Happy Tuesday ladies! Hope you are all ready for the holidays and can relax and enjoy!

  2. Oh my goodness! Did you guys see Wanda's house? She is the BEST Christmas decorator on the planet. Seriously. Out of this world fantastic! :)

    Love all of your todays. You sure are a good wrapper Maddylicious! I LOVE your little actor Caroline. Cute. Cute. Cute.

    Very pretty picture Buckaroomama.

    Glad everyone is getting so festive for the big day!

    God bless!

  3. Becky - I'm blushing. Thank you!

    What a great community to belong to. Such wonderful images.

  4. Sorry I've not CG bogged today - I've been sleeping...

  5. YAY Caroline!

    Perfect in every way.

    Now get some rest! {Well, more than "some"... get lots!}

    What a perfect Christmas gift.

  6. Yes - Wanda's house is a total winter wonderland for sure! I need a lesson or 12!

    I NEED that wrapping paper Maddy!
    How stinkin' cute is that!?

    Love, love.

    Wonderful todays everyone!

  7. Merry Christmas! The photos, as usual, are so fun to look at!
