
Monday, April 12, 2010

4.12.2010 "TODAY"

4.12 "Today"
My 5 year old builds LEGO...and then some more LEGO :D

Today 4.12.
Today we went on a walk and I saw the first blossoms. Spring is arriving :)

4.12 Today
We made it to the beach for the start of Spring Break! I love living in Atlanta -- we're half a day's drive from the beach or the mountains! We drove to Hilton Head, South Carolina to spend most of our Spring Break with friends.

4.12 Today
Ayaka(My daughter) got her haircut. She did not cry though the shampoo at the hair salon was the first experience.

4.12.10 Today
Today we went to the park and played hard. Kaishon got his favorite treat on the way home. A nice cold Sprite. What is your favorite kind of soda?

4/12 "Today"
Doesn't a cruise sound like a lovely plan for today? A Communal Global cruise!

Today I am still smiling about a whole weekend filled with jammies, dogs, smiles, and excited statements along the lines of "I can't believe I have a REAL sword of my very own! I just can't BELIEVE it mom!" Good times.

4.12 Today
When we pass this castle, we know we're almost home.

4.12 Today
Knitting in bed...awesome! :-)

4.12  Today
Josh says that his "train teams" are getting ready for a soccer tournament... or something.


  1. Buckeroomama: Wow I want to join the FUN! We love Tom & his buddies! We call him Tomás!

    Cornelia: Love the color! I would love a pink one for my Pink Angel!【ツ】

    Emily: Breath taking! What view...♥♥ so Lovely...♥

    Lola: oh wow!! I love those kind of statements full of excitement! aww & love his sweet face!

    Nisa: Let's start planning that one for next year "summer 2011"!! It will be awesome!!

    Becky: Refreshing!! That shot is like from a commercial! Love it!【ツ】
    I am a "Strawberry Topo Chico" kinda Girl!

    Rikako: aww what a brave little girl! She is precious!

  2. Sarah: Now that is fun in Spring Break!

    Suki: Loving your spring!

    Tezzie: 【ツ】I Love how he is in the Lego zone!! Pretty amazing!

    Yeey! We are starting the Meme tomorrow! How exciting!!!

  3. So much talent going on and I'm not just talking about the photography. You ladies are so wonderful!

  4. Akiya looks so cute and grown up in that beauty shop chair. What a doll!

    We are working on making the voting link a little more user friendly. The poll does not appear to work in this setting, so perhaps we need to go to the home page of the poll.

    Technical I am not : (

    Glad you could go to the beach Sarah! Water is SO pretty! Love those little trains. Cute.

  5. I love the beach shot. It's perfect.

    FYI, I can only see 5 of the 10 to vote for.

    Even when I click on the poll, there are only 5 pictures at a time.

  6. This looks like fun...I'll definitely be joining in! :) SOOO excited to be in the top 10. *happy squeal* Thanks guys! :D Good luck to everyone and their fabulous shots!

  7. LEGOS have started making an appearance at our house, too! But those look like some pretty complicated things he's building!

    Rikako, that has GOT to be the cutest. picture. EVER. She is an absolute DOLL!!

    Becky, my favorite "soda" (even though, here in the south, we call every carbonated drink "coke") is diet coke -- I'll drink it any kind of way, but my favorite is from the fountain over ice :)

    Lola, my little boy would love to have a real sword of his very own, too :) That looks fun!

    Emily, I love that you have to drive by a castle on your way home. Of all the places I've lived, I've never been able to say that!

    Lovely pictures ladies!! Happy Monday!

  8. Happy Monday, friends! And, how exciting is it to see the top ten in our photography contest!?? :D LOVING all the chosen entires, but I'm sure it was tough narrowing the choices down, since there were sooo many wonderful pictures...great job, everyone!

    Suki - that's really pretty! Spring is finally beginning to arrive all the way up here, as well (still a while until the blooms, though) :D

    Sarah - what an amazing place to live in! Looks like a fun day at the beach!

    Rikako - I LOVE this shot! What a sweet, brave little girl your Ayaka is :D

    Becky - Great pic! Love the angle you've captured Kaishon at...he's sure making that pop (;D) look tasty! Me?...I'm partial to grapefruit Fanta...

    Nisa - Yes, please! ;D (also a really cool shot, btw...interesting composition, and I like the lone seagull drifting so freely in the breeze)

    Lola - Awww...that just puts a great big smile on my face...nothing better than the natural reactions of little kids, before they get 'old' and try to be cool by hiding their true emotions...SWEET!

    Emily - Seriously?! WOW! What stunning scenery you have!

    Cornelia - Oh, how peaceful...what I wouldn't give to have a few hours to myself to stay in bed during the day (or evening, for that matter...since the kids are still sleeping in our room and I can't relax in bed with a book before falling asleep since I'd wake them up!)

    Buckeroomama - What an impressive train collection! Fun! (here we get the show in Swedish and he's called Tomas :D) Wonderful colours, and fun composition!
