
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

3.17.2010 "TODAY"

3.17 Today
Today I am remembering what I looked like and was looking forward to this time last year. :)

3.17 "Today"
I did some window shopping...Boy's birthday is coming up, so I need to plan his party and find a good present for him. Finland is famous (in some parts of the world) for these Moomin characters, but I'm afraid that Boy prefers Star Wars, instead!

The Bub-meister had a bath(and enjoyed every minute of it).Kort and I got a kick out of making him look like a sea serpent.

today is my birthday! as you all were desperate to see our hallway, here's the new wallpaper :)

3.17 Today
Still smiling about the fun evening I had with my mom and sister seeing Michael Bublé a few days ago! This is him doing his Michael Jackson moves and singing Billy Jean :)

3.17.10 Today
I am thankful for my Kaishon. We have something sort of difficult to do today, so if you are a pray-er, please keep us in your prayers. Thank you!

3/17 Today
Souvenir of Hong Kong from my friend. It is amazing how to stuff the cookies so tight. Pretz-tried the flavor of HK. Those were delicious! What do you think Buckeroomama?

This is Kitty. She was born on St. Patrick's Day back in 1989. I sure hope she's having a feast in heaven right now!

3.17 Today
Today seems like a nice day to go outside and explore.

3.17  Today
He still naps, bless him! I'd told him naps will make him smarter. :)


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUKI!!! Looove that shot! You are so darn pretty! (half faced or whole!)

    BUCKEROOMAMA - Ahhh ha ha ha ha! I tell Kort he will be able to "run really fast and also that he'll grow tall enough to ride the big roller coasters at Disneyland" if he gets enough rest...I don't know if the "smart" thing would have any appeal... I wish! He is a gorgeous little guy - those lips are unreal!

    EMILY - I want to explore there too!

    KATIE - beautiful photograph!

    TEZZIE - I love shopping for gifts - Star Wars does have quite a spell on little boys!

    SARAH - That is crazy! What a great shot - I love MB!

    BECKY - Prayers are on the way! Kaish is WONDERFUL! What an old soul!

    RIKAKO - YUM!!!

    NISA - I am in love with that kitty! (and the b/w photograph)I hope Kitty is having a lovely SPD as well!

  2. Kate-I love your picture from last year so beautiful.

    Tezzie-Happy early Birthday to your sweet boy...May the force be with him! (I think thats Star wars!)

    Lola-That is the cutest sea monster ever!

    Suki-Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

    Sarah- So jealous...I love him!

    Becky- You are all in my thoughts and prayers. ((Hugs))


    Nisa- I think you are right!

    Emily- gorgeous...enjoy the beautiful day!

    Buckeroomama-Too cute, my daughter slept in the same position when she was a baby.

    Have a wonderful day Ladies!

  3. All if your pictures are amazing.
    I will pray for you and Kaish today, Becky.
    Nisa, Happy birthday to the kitty.
    Sarah, love him!
    Lola, so funny! My dogs can't stand a bath.
    Tezzie, I love the Moomins.

  4. Nisa-I could have sworn that that batch of kittens were born in 88 am I loosing my mind? Made me think of her brother Shamrock and smile! He was hands down the best cat we ever.

  5. Happy, happy birthday, Suki!

    Rikako - I've seen lots of Pretz sticks around, but I have to say that I've never seen that flavor. :) And here I've been thinking that Pretz was a Japanese product! LOL!

    Nisa - The B/W treatment on this photo makes it look like Kitty's blending in nicely with the couch. :)

    Tezzie - I think Star Wars is a big theme among the boys this year. J just announced that he's over his kiddy books and that he's moved on to Star Wars ones. :)

    Katie - I love looking at my pregnant photos, too --and I show them to the kids. They are fascinated that they were once inside my tummy!

    Lola - That picture brings back memories of me helping my uncle bathe his dogs (Yes, plural --as in there were 4 of them!). :)

    Emily - That looks like a nice place for a leisurely walk. :)

    Praying for you and Kaish, Becky!

    Sarah - What fun! I like Michel Buble's music.

  6. Katie-Beautiful shot!

    I bought my boy a mugcup of Moomin for his BD. Yes, he prefers Star Wars, but he liked it.

    LOLA-Oh, he is adorable.

    SUKI-Happy Birthday, Suki.
    May your BD bring joy and happiness!

    Sarah-Oh,I haven't listened to his song, yet. He is looking good.

    Becky-Beautiful shot. I will pray for you from here, in Japnan.

    Nisa-Love this shot.

    Emily- Did you enjoy the day?

    Buckeroomama- Ohhhh, This is the cutest shot I have ever seen.

  7. Katie: Oh, you look so pretty pregnant!

    Tezzie: I love all that bright color, but I guess I can see how Stars Wars would have its appeal.

    Lola: That's too funny! He really does look like a sea serpent!

    Suki: Happy birthday!

    Sarah: Sounds like fun! You just can't beat those good, old-fashioned Michael Jackson moves!

    Becky: I'll keep you in my prayers. I hope everything's okay.

    Rikako: All I can say is, yum! These look as good as that great Italian chocolate! When we get to Japan, I'm coming to your house for snacks!

    Nisa: So sweet!

    Buckeroomama: Between your cute pictures and my persistent husband (who wants another baby) I'm doomed! I just want to pick him up and kiss those sweet, flushed cheeks! Precious!

  8. Love all the images! Looking forward to seeing everyone's front doors tomorrow :)

    Lola, I'm impressed -- my dog won't stay still for me to bathe her!

    Emily -- looks like a perfect place for a photo shoot :)
