
Thursday, February 18, 2010

2.19.10 "TODAY"

2/19 "Today"
It's time to ponder pink flamingos

2.19 Today

2/19 Today
Busy at work. SMASH HIT! AVATER IN 3D. The usher is busy to wipping off the glasses all day long.

Now that Kathryn's project on John Quincy Adams is over, I'm thinking I need to return these library books before I own them due to late fines!

Today I am baking! (Like, all the live-long day!) Kortland was upset to hear about what has happened in Haiti and is eager to do something to help. He decided he would like to raise money by having a bake sale. Of course, he recruited me as his official baker. (How can I say no to those beautiful blue eyes and my deep desire to do my little part for the beautiful people of Haiti? Answer: I can't!) We're baking mini-loaves of zucchini bread, carrot cake cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, chocolate chip cookies, and chocolate peanut butter cupcakes all made from scratch. Above is one of my carrot cake cupcakes garnished with a real, candied carrot strip and a stem of parsley. (Wish me luck, I'm going to need it!)

2.19 “Today”
Today I am going to Bali!

Today 2.19.
I got a remote for my camera today. You get to see loads of self-portraits from now on. :)

2.19  "Today"
Our dog hasn't been all that thrilled to have had a little visitor the past few days...

2.19  Today
We made bracelets and necklaces. What a great way to keep the kids occupied for over an hour!

2.19 "Today"

2.19 Today


  1. Oh Tezzie! Those doggies have my heart!!!!

    Suki - bring on the self portraits! You're beautiful!

    South Africa is clearly gorgeous, Flamingos rock, and so do those colorful beads! Kort would be in heaven if I unleashed a bag of those at the dining room table and let him have at it!

    I want to go to Bali, and I really want some frozen yogurt now! (at least ONE of those is attainable at the moment...)

    Beautiful day to you all!

  2. I've been going "WOW!" as I move to each photo!

    Nisa - Those pink flamingos are so lovely.

    Lola - I want one of those! I love how you have a mini carrot on top.

    Katie - I'm jealous! I don't know when I'll be able to go visit Bali again. Have fun!

    Suki - I love your self-portrait. I agree with Lola. We look forward to more!

    Sarah - That happens to me a lot, LOL!

    Rikako - I think I'm one of the last people who still have not seen Avatar. :(

    Rebeckah - Such joy in their faces. It's really nice to see boys enjoying themselves with abandon.

    Tezzie - Thought bubble: "Hmmph! Why do I have to be in the same photo as this little dog?!"

    Cornelia - I hope to visit South Africa someday.

    Kate - Yummmm! Somehow having frozen yogurt doesn't make me feel as guilty as eating ice cream.

  3. Sarah: I remember doing a project on John Q. Adams when I was in fifth grade. It was my first big school project (a report! complete with a binder!) and, to this day, I'm still proud of it. Thanks for bringing back happy memories!

    Lola: That cupcake is ridiculous! I mean, like, 'I called my husband into the room just to look at the picture' delicious, ridiculous! I LOVE that candied carrot garnish. What fun!

    Katie: One of my best friends lives in Bali. You're going to have a great time! I can't wait to see the pictures!

    Kate: Mmmm...can I come?

  4. Those picture are so lovely. I love to see your world thorugh your eyes.
    I haven't seen Avatar either..
    Have to catch up on that.
    Lola, those cupcakes look delishious.

  5. I love all the pictures, oh my, I am far from a photographer. I will try to keep up.

    I have awarded every member of Communal Global an award, you can pick it up on my blog.


  6. Oh my word Lola -- if those carrot cupcake garnishes don't raise thousands of dollars for Haiti I don't know what will!! Those are too cute. What a sweet thing for you and your son to do.

    Tezzie -- we have a chocolate lab too! I did a double take when I saw your photo because I thought it was mine at first (except I don't have a little white furball, so I knew it wasn't my picture :)

    Add me to the list of people who have not seen Avatar!

    Nisa -- where are those pink flamingos? Like, just in your backyard or did you go to the zoo? Just curious :)

    Rebeckah -- It always looks like those boys have so much fun together in your photos!!

    Katie -- can't wait to see pics from Bali!

    South Africa looks so peaceful in that photo -- beautiful!

    Frozen yogurt? Maybe when it warms up a little :)

    And those little girl loves to do stuff like that :)

    Just so you ladies know, this is the FIRST thing I do as soon as I get home from dropping my middle one off at preschool -- check out the cg blog to see what everyone is up to! This is just too much fun seeing different parts of the world!! The differences are amazing, but the things we seem to have in common are wonderful. I'm so glad I can be a part of this!

  7. Avatar = awesome. You MUST see in a theater!!! Worth seeing twice!

    Lola... Where is your bake sale? How much is shipping?

    I think I'll whip out some beads today with my kiddos!

  8. I'm so loving this!

    Suki, you are beautiful!

    Lola, I don't have diabetes, but I'm pretty sure my blood sugar just spiked looking at those fabulous cupcakes. What a wonderful thing to do! Kort is such a great kid!

    Katie, can I come too??

    Kate, mmm! I've heard of the Golden Spoon. It must be really goo frozen yogurt!

    Cornelia, that is lovely!

    Buckeroomama, that is an awesome project. I bet even my boys would love it!

    Tezzie, they're both so cute. Are you dog-sitting?

    Rikako, I haven't seen it yet!

    Rebeckah, wrestling is a daily thing for my boys. lol! Looks like fun!

    Sarah, wow! With all those books, you must be an expert on John Quincy Adams now! I love history!
    So the flamingos aren't in are backyard, but nearly! It is an island after all. ;) The Zoo is just a 20m drive and a cheap entertaining Saturday trip with the kids. (I don't drive so most of my pics actually come from the weekends. I'm stuck pretty close to home normally. ;)

    Sorry for the super long comment.

  9. It is so wonderful to see everyone's day!

    I didn't see that movie yet. I heard the effects were amazing. : )

    Your cupcake is so pretty Lola! I love that children have such beautiful hearts and want to do things that help. Very, very sweet : )

    I always love Suki's smiling face!
    And even her unsmiling one : )

    Pink flamingos are something that always makes me smile :) Very pretty picture.

    Happy weekend friends! Happy Weekend. May your weekend be filled with blessings!

  10. Survival group against God?? LOL. Good luck with that. Truth is, no one knows the exact time this will happen except the man upstairs, however, I firmly believe that there are people placed here by God that post the warning signs and it's up to you to take heed.
    ]2012 end of the world
    [/url] - some truth about 2012
