
Monday, January 18, 2010


Laura Dugovic is the author of The Lola Letters blog. She has been married for nearly ten years and has two sons (Kortland - 7 years, and Tennyson - 3 months). Her family lives in the foothills just south of the base of Mt. Timpanogas in Utah.
Laura's husband, Kyle is a private business owner. They have two dogs named Bella and Bubbuh. Laura is a stay at home mom who enjoys photography, decorating her home, gardening (during the few short warm months Utah provides), baking, and writing. Laura's blog is all about finding the beautiful and the humorous in every day life (sprinkled with the occasional "rant" here and there). After 4 and a half years of struggling to have another child, they are finally enjoying their second son. They could not be more thrilled!